Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What is the definition of intelligence?

What is intelligence?

-the ability to understand knowledge and when to apply
-the ability to make connections between subjects
-the abilitiy to learn new skills
-your intelligence can grow

Has my opinion on intelligence changed at all since class?

My opinion on intelligence changed a little bit.  I do believe it's something that people are born with, but I also believe you can increase your intelligence with learning and hard work.  I know there are things that I think I'm not good at, but learning about intelligence makes me realize that if I had the desire I could become better at my shortcomings.

How might my opinion impact my teaching?

I will teach my students that they are capable of learning new things.  Just because they don't know something does not mean that they cannot learn and understand it.  They will be able to learn how to increase their knowledge and use that knowledge in other classes.  I will motivate them to learn knew things and to always be learning througout their entire lives.

Strategies to develop Emotional Intelligence in Music Education

-Have students write down how they are feeling
-Teach students the importance of having a practice journal to not only keep track of practice, but also to write down sections that frustrate them or any insight they discovered while practicing.
-Help them get motivated by teaching them how good it feels to have a great rehearsal or performance.
-Teach them how to regulate emotions such as teaching about the importance of exercise and how it helps with everything.
-Motivating them by bringing in talented musicians and performers they can look up to and inspire them to practice. 

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